Office 365

Microsoft Exchange vs Outlook

Office 365

Microsoft Exchange is used together with Office 365 in many businesses. However, you might be unfamiliar with what Exchange does for you. We’ll explain about the importance of Exchange to SyncGene.


Innes McLean


December 15, 2021

How to Merge Office 365 Accounts

Office 365

Most people use a single Office account to log into all of their devices. But what if you have multiple accounts, or you want to switch over to a new one? Truth be told, if you ever need to merge two Office accounts, it can be a pain. Not to worry! In this article, we’ll show you how to merge two Office 365 accounts into one manually, with the help of Outlook, or automatically using SyncGene.


Miglė Bačinskaitė


May 18, 2021